Yorktown Family Services (“Yorktown”) has been operating as a not-for-profit social service organization in West Toronto since 1993 and supports and equips women, children, youth and families to create positive change in their lives. Yorktown is dedicated to providing:
Accessible mental health treatment for infants, children, youth, and their families and caregivers;
Community-based prevention and out-reach services;
Specialized group programs for parents and caregivers;
Integrated youth-focused programs and services; and,
Emergency shelter for abused women and children.
Yorktown is devoted to multi-phased service systems in the Children and Youth Mental Health Sector and Violence Against Women Sector. Services are provided for infants, children, youth, women, fathers and families and, include mental-health, education, social services, community outreach, individual and group programs, and clinical service. For women and children experiencing domestic violence, Yorktown provide outreach and access to safe refuge, counselling, connection to resources that include legal, housing, childcare, etc. and support to transition into independent lives free of abuse.
The funds raised from cGaming are used to:
Pay rent for program space;
Help connect youth and other clients through social media by allowing Yorktown Family Services to add a clinician to respond to youth through social media;
Paint murals on the walls of the West Toronto Youth Hub with youth involvement in the design and painting of the space;
Support their Keeping Families Together worker who visits families in the community that need counselling but are unable to go to Yorktown Family Services facilities; and,
Deliver Youth Engagement events in the community from their West Toronto Youth Hub.
Yorktown raises funds at Dolphin Gaming in Toronto. They are grateful for the significant contribution that the monies raised through cGaming make to their organization and the services they provide.