With the help of charitable gaming, Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough remains available throughout this pandemic. Telecare Peterborough receives over 1,000 calls every month. People call to talk about feelings of anxiety, distress and loneliness, the problems of living alone and dealing with health issues, family conflicts, financial worries, lockdown stress, and other problems. They need a caring individual to listen to them, outline their particular problems and respond in a respectful and empathetic manner. Telecare Peterborough believes that they have decreased Emergency Hospital visits, violent altercations, and suicidal tendencies. One of Telecare Peterborough’s biggest pandemic challenges was how to recruit and train new volunteers with the cancellation of in-person group training. Many new volunteers were required as many previous volunteers were no longer available. Their biggest success was developing and implementing an on-line training format. Telecare Peterborough raises funds at Delta Bingo and Gaming Peterborough. They are very grateful for the financial support they receive from cGaming as they continue to respond to the mental health and wellness needs of the community.
