Despite all the challenges of this past year, cGaming in the midst of a pandemic proudly raised over $22 million for approximately 2,200 charities across Ontario. This bumps up the total raised to-date to just over $307 million. While revenues are certainly not what they were, these funds are still very significant in helping to provide programs and services to communities. This, along with additional flexibility on use of proceeds and a lot of creativity and engagement by charitable groups, has proven to be a year of learning, innovation, and adaptation.
The pandemic has tested us all and we have fought many battles. Some we've won and some we’ve lost. There may still be battles ahead, but we are going to win this war. As we now see a clear path forward to more normal times, the experiences of this past year have not only made us stronger and much more resilient, they have brought out a real sense of community and caring that will resonate long after the end of the pandemic. Our future is bright and we look forward to this new beginning as we anticipate things starting to ramp up later this year. We are eager to see our revenues grow once again as we continue to evolve and grow this unique sector of charitable gaming.
