A Modern Way To Game and Give
When you participate in cGaming (electronic bingo and gaming), you help to fund thousands of charities and non-profits
Charitable Bingo & Gaming
In partnership with Ontario Lottery and Gaming, the OGCA helped introduce electronic games to 37 charitable bingo and gaming centres in more than 25 communities across the province. These centres still have traditional paper bingo play but now also have electronic touch screen paperless bingo as well as other electronic games for players to enjoy. Charitable groups receive a portion of the proceeds based on their participation and role in the centre.
Similar to licenced bingo, an organization must go through an eligibility assessment with their municipality in order participate and funds are monitored based on use of proceeds policies by the municipality. There are Policies and Standards for groups through a contractual relationship with OLG and OCGA.
The significant change in the cGaming model is with the roles of charities and volunteers. The volunteer friendly roles no longer include the handling of cash or selling of product as they do under traditional licenced bingo. Only two volunteers are required and assignment times (sessions) are only a mere two hours or so in length. These two key changes have been crucial to groups adjusting to current volunteer recruitment challenges.
Another key focus of cGaming is to promote and create awareness of this unique community partnership and the direct charitable benefit to the people in these communities. Through education and community support, the goal is to increase awareness and revenues for these much-needed programs and services.
Approximate cGaming funds generated for Ontario charities to-date.
OCGA Proudly Supporting over 2100
Ontario Charities

cGaming Supports
Ontario Charities
When you participate in cGaming (electronic bingo and gaming), you help to fund thousands of charities and non-profits across many sectors in Ontario. These include hospitals and provincial health charities, services for children and families, support programs for seniors, legions and service clubs, educational groups, services for special needs, multicultural groups, youth sports organizations and art and music groups.
Please visit our sister site charitablegaming.ca for more information and impact stories from all across Ontario.